Before becoming the proud owner of Sasabune Beverly Hills, the original owner had a long history of hard work and dedication under Chef Nobi. Through years of working as a chef, the owner of this restaurant gained practical experience and a deep understanding of the art of sushi and business.
The owner started working at the original Sasabune in Los Angeles for 13 years and learned the art of sushi from the original owner, chef Nobi. With time, he became a key figure in the restaurant and was entrusted with the role of running everyday operations.
When Sasabune's original owner, chef Nobi, was about to retire, he fell ill and eventually passed away. At this difficult time, the future of the business and its legacy were entrusted to the original owner.
Five years after buying the business from chef Nobi, the restaurant has thrived and expanded to Beverly Hills. The success is credited to the original owner's passion and expertise developed under the previous owner.